Crazy Golf VR

I wanted to have fun with physics in VR.

First I ran a few experiments with a ballistic based aiming system and firing mortar around the level. That was cool, but then I decided a crazy golf type of game would also be fun with physics.

So here's the result.

A one level crazy golf, based in a fantasy type village. I experimented with volumetric fog and kept the game playable by putting walls around the play area. So if the ball is thrown out, it will be put back at its last position. 

After each hit, the player is teleported next to the ball, so they can carry on playing.

What I discovered is that relying entirely on physics to play golf in VR isn't such a great idea. It's hard to control the strength of your shot as you can't feel the weight of the club and you can only get limited haptic feedback from the controllers.

It works, but it's easy to get your shots completely wrong. 

Enjoy the video!

Crazy Golf VR